Taras Yanycky comes to us from Kyiv, Ukraine and will introduce the music he will sing and play on his magnificent bandura. He is a winner of many awards, and a world famous bandurist, virtusos, singer, and conductor.
With great pleasure, the Ukrainian Art Center invites you and your loved ones to our Annual Pysanka Festival, celebrating Ukrainian culture.
Please view our video invitation here:
Pysanka Masterclass by Ukrainian-American Artist Barbara Wetzel
The Ukrainian Art Center, Inc (UAC) of Los Angeles is proud to announce our first Ukrainian Art Workshop: Pysanky 101. The first of many traditional and folk art video series to come!
Featuring Master Artists: Linda Mudlo & Natalie Orlins Gebet
Pysanky is one of Ukraine’s most beloved and recognizable folk art. Our mid April launch falls between American Easter and Ukrainan Easter (Eastern Rite Catholic and Orthodox).
Preservation and accessibility is important to us to keep the cultural and traditional arts alive!
We hope you help us spread the word by “Liking”, “Commenting” and Sharing our FREE Workshop video!
Available now for the next 30 days!
Our online workshops will dive deeper into popular Ukrainian art and practices with intermediate and advanced classes as well.
Stay tuned for upcoming announcements on how to become a member!
This will be an exclusive offer to join an online community with others, learn from master artists, have direct contact with master artists, share tips, art, education and more!
No matter what language, Kvitka’s music reached all barriers! If you enjoyed a jingle or two back in the ‘80’s or hummed along to You Light Up My Life and just enjoy fascinating background on musicians and singers, come on over! We will have light refreshments as part of your entrance fee. We will also have a raffle! Come help support the Ukrainian Art Center of Los Angeles !
Thank you to everyone that attended the UAC’s Tribute to Kvitka Cisyk! It was a wonderful turnout and support! I have to say that the event was just beautiful! Thank you to all that performed ! Just beautiful. The videos were amazing and touching. It truly brought a tear to my eye... I am so proud to be part of this organization and to be able to help to put together a beautiful and meaningful event!
The Board of Directors of the Ukrainian Culture Center would like to congratulate the board, members, and volunteers of the Ukrainian Art Center for their successful production of Majestic Woman - Lesia Ukraine.
It has been over 50 years since Ukrainian national poet Lesia Ukrainka has been honored at the Ukrainian Culture Center and yesterday's program was absolutely magnificent and truly worthy to be called a Hollywood production.
UCC would also like to extend a very heartfelt warm congratulations to the Director of the Ukrainian Art Center Daria Chaikovsky along with Artistic Directors Asya Gorska and Victoria Kusina who spearheaded this effort and whose creativity and vision made the production a reality.
The combined use of film, dance, poetry readings, and a live actress to portray Lesia proved to be phenomenally successful as the attendees felt they were transported back in time to the 1900's as the poems came to life to unfold and tell the story of Lesia's short but tumultuous life.
The Ukraine Culture Center and others in Southern California will look forward to other productions by the Ukrainian Art Center celebrating other artists.
Event Schedule:
• 1:00 PM – Cocktails: Guests will enjoy a complimentary
glass of champagne and elegant gourmet bites.
• 1:30 PM – Musical Program featuring Khomik and Gintov.
• 2:30 PM – Art Exhibition Opening and Auction featuring
works by Locust and Pavlovich.
The Ukrainian Art Center is proud to present an extraordinary evening celebrating Ukrainian music, art, and culture. This special event, hosted at the Ukrainian Cultural Center, will bring together world-class performers, renowned artists, and a vibrant community eager to experience the richness of Ukraine’s cultural heritage.
The evening will feature the first-ever joint performance of acclaimed violinist Myroslava Khomik and celebrated pianist Pavlo Gintov, performing masterpieces by Ukraine’s most distinguished composers.
In addition to the musical program, the event will showcase an art exhibition by prominent Ukrainian artists Locust and Pavlovich. Guests will have the unique opportunity to admire and acquire these exceptional works during a special art auction.
• General Admission: $30
• VIP: $50
• Students with valid ID: $15
• Children under 12: Free
Tickets are available on Eventbrite: